2025 OTA Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ, October 15-18

2025 OTA Spring Residents Comprehensive Fracture Course

This course is made up of 4 small group modules and is intended for PGY 1-3 and select PAs and NPs.

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Meetings and Courses
Colorful map of San Diego California lies in the background with 3 chosen images of city landmarks are upfront.

Important Abstract Submission Info

Submit your abstracts for the 2025 OTA Annual Meeting, in Phoenix, Arizona October 15 – 18, 2025. Abstract submissions close February 5, 2025 at 5PM CST. Find guidelines and FAQ links below.

View Abstract Guidelines

Abstract FAQ

OTA Online

OTA’s premier resource for online orthopaedic trauma education.
A surgeon is reviewing a print xray
Watch peer-reviewed videos on a variety of topics to enhance your technique and understand what others might be doing.
A medium-skinned man in an orange shirt looks at a laptop on a desk.
Check out the latest episodes on the OTA Podcast, with new episodes weekly.
A man stands at the front of a classroom, presenting something on a screen.
Read through the OTA's new syllabus of lectures, written and edited by the membership, to support comprehensive orthopaedic trauma resident education.
A black woman in a mustard yellow sweater sits looking at a laptop.
Register for live interactive case discussions the first 3 Wednesdays of the month on Fracture Night. The final Wednesdays are dedicated to Webinars hosted by a variety of renowned faculty, covering various topics, with CME available.


A black woman in an orange hoodie exercises with weights.

Patient Resources

Access OTA’s complete Patient library of resources, videos, and interactive tools to help your patient regain their movement and freedom.

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Physical Therapy Videos

Patient FAQ

Careers and Practice

A group of surgeons look at X-rays on a lightboard.

The OTA offers several practice management resources including a job board, a trauma profile/salary survey summary, coding cheat sheets, and the very popular OTA Orthopaedic Trauma Coding Course.

Icon of a group of people
OTA Career Center

View current job openings, post your positions, and more. 

Explore the OTA Career Center

OTA Members

A group of OTA members look at model pelvises.
The OTA is an international organization of orthopaedic surgeons and medical professionals dedicated to the care and treatment of patients with injuries to the musculoskeletal system, especially fractures and dislocations.

Join OTA See International Membership

OTA Member Benefits include:

  • Subscription to the Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma (JOT)
  • Deeply discounted registration for the OTA Annual Meeting and educational offerings
  • Eligibility to apply for OTA funded research grants
  • Full access to OTA Online content


Support the OTA

The OTA extends sincere gratitude to the many generous donors who support the OTA. Visit our Donate site for more information.

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COTA Donors

The OTA extends sincere gratitude to the many generous donors who support COTA.

OTA Online Sponsors